How Is IPTV Delivered? Print

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IPTV is typically delivered and distributed by an IPTV service, which delivers three classifications of services, namely:
  • Live Television — allows users to watch live television transmissions with minimal latency, without or without interactivity, and without being just like traditional TV broadcasts. This uses the Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) version 2.
  • Time-Shifted Media — also known as digital video recordings, this allows users to enjoy broadcast television on a time-delay using digital recordings of television shows without DVR devices. This allows users to watch and re-watch replays of their favorite shows or live events from an interactive menu.
  • Video-On-Demand — users are able to choose videos of their favorite shows from a catalog and can watch them as many times as they want. This feature makes use of unicast transmission with the Real-Time Streaming Protocol

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